

While in early stages of using Webz.io

Enable warnings in your API responses, to improve your queries if need be, by using the warnings=true GET parameter in your requests.

Warnings can arise from a malformed query parameter in your code.
If set to true, then warning message details are included in the response under the warnings object.

The warning includes the message - with an explanation about the warning, the warning type and its level.


By default, warnings are disabled

JSON Output Examples:


cyberDocs: [],

totalResults: 0,

moreResultsAvailable: 0,

next: "/cyberFilter?token=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX&format=json&ts=1589822732836&q=langauaige%3Aenglish",

requestsLeft: 1996,

warnings [


message: "Filter "langauaige" does not exist",


level: "ERROR"





posts: [],

totalResults: 0,

moreResultsAvailable: 0,

next: "/filterWebContent?token=XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX&format=json&ts=1597493493378&q=%22stock+market%22+site_type%3AZUKINI&sort=crawled",

requestsLeft: 1989,

warnings [


message: "Term "ZUKINI" is not a valid value for filter 'site_type'",

type: "VALUE_ERROR",

level: "ERROR"


