Query Examples

The following are examples for queries that filter posts for different use cases

Social filters

Use CaseQuery
Find viral news articles that contain the phrase "United States" or "US" in the titleperformance_score:>0 (title:"United States" OR title:US)
Find news or blog posts, with a minimum number of 100 Facebook likes, that mention the keyword "peace"peace social.facebook.likes:>100
Find news posts, with more than 100 Facebook shares.site_type:news (social.facebook.likes:>100)

Geo filters

Use CaseQuery
Find forum posts originating from messageboards in Francethread.country:FR (site_type:discussions)
Find news or blog posts in English in domains ending with the .fr TLD (France)language:english site_suffix:fr (site_type:news OR site_type:blogs)

Content filters

Use CaseQuery
Find news articles that contain the phrase "Data Security" or "Cloud", and not "Apple"("Data Security" OR Cloud) -Apple site_type:news
Find forum topics (first posts) in English with a minimum 10 participants and more than 20 repliesparticipants_count:>10 replies_count:>20 site_type:discussions is_first:true language:english
Find posts in English that mention the phrase "Big Data" in the title but not in the post itselftitle:"big data" -text:"big data" language:english

Rating Filters

Use CaseQuery
Find reviews with score equal or higher than four on Google Play storerating:>=4 site_full:play.google.com
Find reviews with rating lower than 2, mentioning either Apple, iPhone or iPadrating:<2 (Apple OR iphone OR ipad)

Site specific filters

Use CaseQuery
Find posts mentioning the phrase "United States" in either Yahoo, CNN or Baidu.com(site:yahoo.com OR site:cnn.com OR site:baidu.com) "United States"
Find news articles in English from sites categorized as sports sites.site_category:sports language:english site_type:news
Find posts (not comments) that contain a video, from the top 1,000 sites by traffichas_video:true domain_rank:<1000 is_first:true
Find posts that contain links to LinkedIn.com or Yelp.com(externallinks:https\:\/\/[www.linkedin.com\\/\](http://www.linkedin.com\\/\) OR externallinks:https\:\/\/www.yelp.com\/)

Some more examples by use case

Use CaseExample Query
Sentiment Analysis
Monitor negative news about Microsoft
title:Microsoft sentiment:negative language:english
Trending News
Find engaging news about Android and iPhone
title:(Android OR iPhone) social.facebook.likes:>10 language:english
Samsung Product Launches
News stories related to the Samsung new products, features, or updates.
(title:samsung AND sentiment:positive) AND title:("unveils" OR "introduces" OR "debuts" OR "launches" OR "releases" OR "announces" OR "showcases" OR "rolls out" OR "features" OR "innovation" OR "cutting-edge" OR "breakthrough" OR "next-generation" OR "revolutionary" OR "pre-order") language:english
Tesla Adverse Media
Mentions of Tesla in a negative context in English
sentiment:negative title:Tesla category:"Disaster and Accident" language:english
Product Launch Announcements
Tracking news about new product launches from competitors or major brands in your industry.
category:"Economy, Business and Finance" title:("product launch" OR launch OR unveiling OR debut OR introduction OR reveal OR announcement OR features OR specifications OR availability OR "pre-order" OR "release date" OR innovative OR upgrade OR "limited edition" OR partnership OR collaboration OR showcase OR "market entry" OR campaign OR "consumer response") sentiment:positive
Brand Partnerships and Collaborations
Monitoring news regarding partnerships, collaborations, or sponsorships involving key brands.
category:"Economy, Business and Finance" title:("brand partnership" OR partnership OR collaboration OR alliance OR "joint venture" OR agreement OR "co-branding" OR sponsorship OR "strategic partnership" OR "team up" OR "launch together" OR merger OR innovation OR exclusive OR initiative OR campaign OR network OR synergy OR conjunction OR cooperation OR endorsement) sentiment:positive
Regulatory Changes
Tracking new laws and guidelines that impact a brand's compliance, operations, and reputation.
(category:"Social Issue" OR category:Labor OR category:"Human Interest" ) title:("regulation" OR "legislation" OR "compliance" OR "law" OR "policy change" OR "enforcement" OR "reform" OR "amendment" OR "government mandate" OR "legal update" OR "statutory requirements" OR "new rules" OR "compliance deadline" OR "penalties" OR "fines" OR "violation" OR "government oversight" OR "regulatory authority" OR "regulatory body" OR "effective date")
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Track stories covering the brand’s CSR activities or sustainability efforts to enhance its public image.
category:"Economy, Business and Finance" title:("Sustainability" OR "Ethical Practices" OR "Environmental Impact" OR "Green Initiatives" OR "Community Engagement" OR "Social Responsibility" OR "Philanthropy" OR "Carbon Footprint" OR "Diversity and Inclusion" OR "Eco-friendly" OR "Corporate Giving" OR "Renewable Energy" OR "Responsible Sourcing" OR "Employee Well-being" OR "Climate Action" OR "Human Rights" OR "Volunteer Programs" OR "Corporate Accountability" OR "Sustainable Development" OR "Impact Investing")
Commodity News - Gold
The latest news and blogs for the gold commodity market
site_type:(news OR blogs) is_first:true gold$ AND metal AND (trade$ OR volatility$ OR fund$ OR funds$) AND (market$ OR asset$ OR futures OR exchange) AND (forecast OR commodity OR "gold$ price$") AND (traders$ OR trading$ OR equity OR etf OR etfs OR portfolio) title:gold
Recent IPOs
News about initial public offerings (IPOs)
site_type:(news OR blogs) is_first:true thread.title:ipo
Company Stock Ticker News
Monitor mentions of the Apple stock symbol in news & blogs
site_type:(news OR blogs) is_first:true aapl AND title:(apple OR aapl)
M&A Activity
Merger & acquisition events within the Healthcare industry
site_type:news topic:"mergers and acquisitions"
Third Party Risk
News regarding financial, criminal, compliance, cyber, reputational, and operational risks for third-parties
site_type:news is_first:true ("the company" OR "the firm" OR "the organization") AND (topic:layoffs OR topic:"cyber crime" OR topic:"corporate crime" OR topic:corruption)
Emerging Risk
News indicating emerging threats in Nigeria
site_type:(news OR blogs) is_first:true (disaster OR accident OR security OR "social problems" OR conflict OR exploded OR explosion OR attacked OR fire OR killed OR kidnapped OR behead OR injured OR ransom) AND nigeria AND (kidnapper OR gunmen OR bandits OR criminals OR terrorist OR terror OR police OR "law enforcement" OR "unsafe" OR authorities$) AND (killed OR abducted OR injured)
Know Your Customer (KYC & AML)
News about individuals accused of financial criminal activity
site_type:(news OR blogs) is_first:true (embezzling OR "tax evasion" OR misappropriated "money laundering" OR "wire fraud" OR "accept bribe") AND (accused OR convicted OR "on trial" OR "sentenced" OR guilty OR pleads OR investigate OR charged OR arrested OR hearing OR court OR allegation) AND (he OR she OR his OR her OR man OR woman)
Android & iOS
discussions about problems in Android and iOS.
site_type:discussions language:english thread.title:((android OR ios) AND (problem OR bug OR fail))
Climate Change
discussions about climate change.
site_type:discussions language:english thread.title:"climate change"
Mental Health
Posts discussing the issue of mental health.
site_type:discussions ((anxiety OR anxious OR "panic attack") AND ("mental health" OR disorders OR "mental illness" OR Trauma OR stress OR Illness OR Drugs OR alcohol OR "Financial concerns" OR "Medications"))