
The N | B | D API response includes up to 100 search-results and a Meta Info area with reference to API consumption and the request itself, such as the "next" URL to get the next batch of search-results matching your query.

Each result is constructed of 3 objects:

  • The Thread Object provides information about the complete thread (e.g. full article text and associated comments).
  • The Post Object includes information about a particular post in a thread. A post could be the article, i.e the first post, or a comment to the article.
  • The External Images Object includes information about the images found on a page, including visual image analysis and metadata extracted about each image found.

Thread Object

Field NameDescriptionSearchable?Type
uuidA unique ID representing the threadYesString
urlThe link to the top of the threadYesString
site_fullThe complete domain of the siteYesString
siteThe top level domain of the siteYesString
site_sectionA link to the section in the site where the thread was createdYesString
section_titleThe title of the section in the site where the thread was createdYesString
titleThe title of the threadYesString
title_fullThe full title of the thread including prefix or suffix automatically added by the site (like the site name)YesString
publishedThe date/time when the thread was publishedYesDate
replies_countThe number of replies to the main postYesInteger
participants_countThe number of different people who participated in the discussionYesInteger
site_typeIs the site a
news | blogs | discussions source?
main_imageA link to the main image presented with the articleYesString
countryThe article's country of origin is determined by its domain, subdomain, or site section. This is established through the country indicators in the web address (e.g. *.co.fr) or by analyzing the country that generates the most traffic.

To get a full country code list, visit our CountryCode.org
site_categoriesA list of categories for this website or top news per country. see full list of values.YesString
- comments
- likes
- shares
- shares
The post's number of comments, likes and shares on social networks.YesInteger
performance_scoreA virality score for news and blogs posts only. The score ranges between 0-10. A score of 0 means that the post didn't do well - it was rarely or never shared. A score of 10 means that the post was "on fire" being shared thousands of times on Facebook.YesInteger
domain_rankA rank that specifies how popular a domain is YesInteger
domain_rank_updatedThe date/time when the domain rank were last updatedNoDate

Post Object

Field NameDescriptionSearchable?Type
uuidA unique ID representing a post in a threadNoString
urlA link to the post in the thread (goes through omgili.com on the free plan)YesString
ord_in_thread The order in the thread, i.e if its the first post, the second etc..YesInteger
parent_urlFor threaded comments, this field provides the parent comment URL of the current post.NoString
authorThe name of the post authorYesString
publishedThe date/time when the post was published.YesDate
titleThe title of the postYesString
textThe text body of the postYesString
languageThe language of the postYesString
external_linksA list of URLs that are linked from the postYesString
ratingFor review posts, the rating parameter provides the star rating for the review. rating is a floating number between 0.0 to 5.0. Only relevant for Review APIYesFloat





- name
- sentiment
locations - a list of identified locations found in the post with its name and sentiment* fields**

organizations - a list of identified companies/organizations found in the post with its name and sentiment* fields**

persons - a list of identified people names found in the post with its name and sentiment* fields**

*sentiment - Possible values are: positive, negative, none.

**currently available for news/blogs posts in English)
crawledThe date/time when the post was crawled.YesDate
sentimentThe sentiment of the news article. May be either Positive, Negative or Neutral Yes
categoriesA list of predetermined categories matching the theme of the news article.Yes
topicsA list of predetermined topics matching the theme of the news article based on the following list. Yes
webz_reporterIndicates if the article is generated using Webz Reporter featureYesBoolean
ai_allowIndicates if the article is allowed (true) for LLM trainingYesBoolean
has_canonicalIndicates that the post contains a canonical HTML tag pointing to another website. This typically means the article is syndicated from that other website.YesBoolean
breakingThe breaking field is a Boolean field that indicates whether a news article was published with a latency of less than one hour and a popular website (Top News). If set to true, it returns only articles that were detected within an hour of their publication time, ensuring access to the most up-to-date and rapidly emerging news.YesBoolean
highlightTextThe highlightText output field in Webz.io provides a highlighted snippet of text that matches your query when &highlight=true is set. This helps quickly identify relevant content within articles, posts, or discussions by emphasizing the exact terms that triggered the match.NoString
highlightThreadTitleThe highlightThreadTitle output field in Webz.io returns a highlighted version of the thread title that matches your query when &highlight=true is set.NoString
highlightTitleThe highlightTitle output field in Webz.io provides a highlighted version of a post's title within a thread when &highlight=true is set. Unlike highlightThreadTitle, which applies to the entire thread's title, highlightTitle focuses on individual posts inside the thread.NoString
breakingThe breaking field is a Boolean field that indicates whether a news article was published with a latency of less than one hour. If set to true, it returns only articles that were detected within an hour of their publication time, ensuring access to the most up-to-date and rapidly emerging news.YesBoolean

Meta Info

Field NameDescriptionType
totalResultsThe total number of posts matching your queryInteger
moreResultsAvailableHow many more results are availableInteger
nextA URL to get the next batch of posts matching your query.
See Pagination and Sorting]
requestsLeftHow many more requests are available in your current subscription plan.Integer


syndicatedIndicates if the article is syndicated, meaning part of similar group of articles.Boolean
syndicate_idA unique ID for the syndication (group id).String
first_syndicatedIndicates if the article is the first article in the list of the syndicated articlesBoolean


trust.categoryThe trust.category field indicates the classification of the source based on its trustworthiness. Possible values include:

- fake_news – Indicates that the post originates from a site known for publishing fake news.

- satirical_news – Indicates that the post originates from a site known for publishing satirical content.

- This field helps users assess the reliability of the source and determine how to handle the data accordingly.

- Please note: The classification of fake news and satirical news is conducted at the domain-level and NOT at the article-level.
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        "section_title": "News - Video | CBC.ca",
        "title": "Trudeau to resign as prime minister after Liberal leadership race | CBC.ca",
        "title_full": "Trudeau to resign as prime minister after Liberal leadership race | CBC.ca",
        "published": "2025-01-06T19:41:00.000+02:00",
        "replies_count": 0,
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      "ord_in_thread": 0,
      "parent_url": null,
      "author": null,
      "published": "2025-01-06T19:41:00.000+02:00",
      "title": "Trudeau to resign as prime minister after Liberal leadership race | CBC.ca",
      "text": "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he plans to step down once the Liberal Party has chosen a successor, bringing his time leading the country to a tumultuous end. Trudeau, who became Liberal leader in 2013 and prime minister in the fall of 2015, announced his long-awaited decision outside his official residence, Rideau Cottage, on Monday morning.",
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      "language": "english",
      "sentiment": "neutral",
      "categories": [
        "Social Issue",
        "Human Interest"
      "topics": [
        "Politics->political parties and movements",
        "Politics->political candidates",
        "Politics->national government",
        "Social Issue->social condition",
        "Human Interest->ceremony"
      "ai_allow": true,
      "has_canonical": false,
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      "external_links": [],
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      "entities": {
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            "name": "Justin Trudeau",
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      "rating": null,
      "crawled": "2025-01-06T20:09:41.758+02:00",
      "updated": "2025-01-06T20:09:41.758+02:00"