The N | B | D API response includes up to 100 search-results and a Meta Info area with reference to API consumption and the request itself, such as the "next" URL to get the next batch of search-results matching your query.
Each result is constructed of 3 objects:
- The Thread Object provides information about the complete thread (e.g. full article text and associated comments).
- The Post Object includes information about a particular post in a thread. A post could be the article, i.e the first post, or a comment to the article.
- The External Images Object includes information about the images found on a page, including visual image analysis and metadata extracted about each image found.
Thread Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
uuid | A unique ID representing the thread | Yes | String |
url | The link to the top of the thread | Yes | String |
site_full | The complete domain of the site | Yes | String |
site | The top level domain of the site | Yes | String |
site_section | A link to the section in the site where the thread was created | Yes | String |
section_title | The title of the section in the site where the thread was created | Yes | String |
title | The title of the thread | Yes | String |
title_full | The full title of the thread including prefix or suffix automatically added by the site (like the site name) | Yes | String |
published | The date/time when the thread was published | Yes | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
replies_count | The number of replies to the main post | Yes | Integer |
participants_count | The number of different people who participated in the discussion | Yes | Integer |
site_type | Is the site a news | blogs | discussions source? | Yes | String |
main_image | A link to the main image presented with the article | Yes | String |
country | The article's country of origin is determined by its domain, subdomain, or site section. This is established through the country indicators in the web address (e.g. * or by analyzing the country that generates the most traffic. To get a full country code list, visit our | Yes | String |
site_categories | A list of categories for this website | Yes | String |
social | Facebook Shares | Yes | String |
performance_score | A virality score for news and blogs posts only. The score ranges between 0-10. A score of 0 means that the post didn't do well - it was rarely or never shared. A score of 10 means that the post was "on fire" being shared thousands of times on Facebook. | Yes | Integer |
domain_rank | A rank that specifies how popular a domain is | Yes | Integer |
domain_rank_update | The date/time when the domain rank were last updated | No | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
Post Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
uuid | A unique ID representing a post in a thread | No | String |
url | A link to the post in the thread (goes through on the free plan) | Yes | String |
ord_in_thread | The order in the thread, i.e if its the first post, the second etc.. | Yes | Integer |
parent_url | For threaded comments, this field provides the parent comment URL of the current post. | No | String |
author | The name of the post author | Yes | String |
published | The date/time when the post was published. | Yes | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
title | The title of the post | Yes | String |
text | The text body of the post | Yes | String |
language | The language of the post | Yes | String |
external_links | A list of URLs that are linked from the post | Yes | String |
rating | For review posts, the rating parameter provides the star rating for the review. rating is a floating number between 0.0 to 5.0. | Yes | Float |
entities/sentiment | _ persons - a list of identified people names found in the post (currently available for news/blogs posts in English) _ locations - a list of identified locations found in the post (currently available for news/blogs posts in English) _ organizations - a list of identified companies/organizations found in the post (currently available for news/blogs posts in English) ============ Sentiment _ Sentiment context attached to either a person or organization. Possible values are: positive, negative, none. | Yes | String |
crawled | The date/time when the post was crawled. | Yes | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
sentiment | The sentiment of the news article. May be either Positive, Negative or Neutral | Yes | |
categories | A list of predetermined categories matching the theme of the news article. | Yes | |
webz_reporter | Indicates if the article is generated using Webz Reporter feature | Yes | Boolean |
ai_allowed | Indicates if the article is allowed (true) for LLM training | Yes | Boolean |
External Images Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
url | The link to the actual image | No | String |
meta_info | Link to more information about the image | No | String |
uuid | A unique ID for the image by content. | Yes | String |
label | A list of labels that describe the visual content of the image. | Yes | Array[String] |
Meta Info
Field Name | Description | Type |
totalResults | The total number of posts matching your query | Integer |
moreResultsAvailable | How many more results are available | Integer |
next | A URL to get the next batch of posts matching your query. See Pagination and Sorting] | String |
requestsLeft | How many more requests are available in your current subscription plan. | Integer |
"posts": [
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"section_title": "The War Room | Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion",
"title": "Opinion - When did the @nytimes hire David Duke as an editor? 2",
"title_full": "Opinion - When did the @nytimes hire David Duke as an editor? | Page 2 | Sherdog Forums | UFC, MMA & Boxing Discussion",
"published": "2019-04-28T18:49:00.000+03:00",
"replies_count": 11,
"participants_count": 7,
"site_type": "discussions",
"country": "US",
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"ord_in_thread": 7,
"author": "SBJJ",
"published": "2019-04-28T19:48:00.000+03:00",
"title": "",
"text": "It's because Trump disavowed David Duke so many times.",
"highlightText": "It's because Trump disavowed David Duke so many times.... ",
"highlightTitle": "",
"language": "english"
"external_links": [
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"meta_info": "/images?token=xxxxxxxx&format=json&q=uuid:107863973373834162119171538058262530453",
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"label": [
"entities": {
"persons": [
name: "donald trump",
sentiment: "negative"
"organizations": [
name: "white house",
sentiment: "none"
"locations": [
name: "united states",
sentiment: "none"
name: "federal republic of nigeria",
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"rating": null,
"crawled": "2019-04-29T00:29:57.022+03:00"
"totalResults": 11557,
"moreResultsAvailable": 11457,
"next": "/filterWebContent?token=1f853c0a-370c-458f-9b89-9a406272dfe5&format=html&ts=1595077890008&q=%22stock...",
"requestsLeft": 886