GET Parameters

Request method is HTTP GET.

URL Structure[Compromised Email]

HTTP GET Parameters

tokenYour private access token that you received when you signed up.&token=[MY TOKEN]
emailSearch compromised data by email address.
The results contain all leaked records of the specified email address.
Single email address:
domainSearch compromised data by domain value.
The results contain all leaked email entities for the specified domain sourced from data breaches.
email_domainSearch compromised data by domain value.
The results include all leaked email entities for the specified domain, sourced from both stealer logs and data breaches.
login_domainSearch compromised data by domain value.
The results contain all leaked credentials obtained from stealer logs that were used to log into the specified domain.
ccSearch compromised data by credit card (cc) value.
The results contain all leaked records of the specified credit card.
bin6Search compromised data by bin with 6 digits (bin6) value.
The results contain all leaked credit card entities of the specified bin6.
bin8Search compromised data by bin with 8 digits (bin8) value.
The results contain all leaked credit card entities of the specified bin8.
phoneSearch compromised data by phone value.
The phone should be following with %2B which means a '+' sign.
The results contain all leaked records of the specified phone.
account_nameSearch compromised data by account name (username) value.
The results contain all leaked records of the specified account name.
ssnSearch compromised data by ssn (Social Security Number) value.
The results contain all leaked records of the specified ssn.
passportSearch compromised data by passport value.
The results contain all leaked records of the specified passport.
sinceFilter documents since the time entered (in milliseconds) until now.
The result contains documents (Entities) such that their "updated" time is newer than the "since" time.