
Use the following filters to focus only on the data you need.


Escaping reserved characters

If you need to use any of the characters which function as operators in your query itself (and not as operators), then you should escape them with a leading backslash. For instance, to search for external_links:*, you would need to write your query as external_links:https\:\/\/\*

The reserved characters are: + - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /

Failing to escape these special characters correctly could lead to a syntax error which prevents your query from running.

Review Content Filters

languageThe language of the review. The default is any.Find reviews in French or Italian:
(language:french OR language:italian)

See Supported Languages under 'References'
authorReturn reviews written by a specific authorFind reviews written by Admin:
textA textual Boolean query describing the keywords that should (or shouldn’t) appear in the review text.text:(apple OR android)
external_linksSearch for reviews that included links to another site.Search for reviews that linked to LinkedIn (note that both the slashes and colons are prefixed by a backslash):

is_firstA Boolean parameter that specifies if to search only on the first reviewis_first:true
ratingThe rating parameter provides the star rating for the review. rating is a floating number between 0.0 to 5.0.Return all the reviews with rating greater than 0:

publishedA timestamp (in milliseconds) enabling you to filter reviews that were published before or after certain date/time.
Here is a Timestamp/Date converter
Return reviews published after Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:16:28 GMT:


Site Filters

siteLimit the results to a specific site or sites.Limit the results to posts from Yahoo or CNN:

( OR uses heuristics to determine the country origin of a site, by taking into account the site's IP, TLD and language. Many times the country origin isn't conclusive so it isn't set, therefor filtering by country may result in much less data than when filtering by language.Return reviews from sites from France:

To get a full country code list, visit our country codes index.
site_suffixLimit the results to a specific site suffixReturn reviews from sites where their top level domain (TLD) ends with .fr:

site_fullFilter sites based on the domain and optionally by sub-domainReturn posts from App Store
site_categoryLimit the results to reviews originating from sites categorized as one (or more) of the following:

  • search_engine
  • entertainment
  • shopping
  • vehicles
  • gambling
  • tech
  • games
  • sports
  • finance
  • hacking
  • social
  • messaging
  • health
  • personals
  • religion
  • travel
  • abortion
  • education
  • drugs
  • business
  • advertising
  • humor
  • food
  • real_estate
  • virtual_reality
  • jobs
  • media
  • adult
  • alcohol_and_tobacco
  • weapons
Return posts from sites categorized as sports or games related:
(site_category:sports OR site_category:games)
domain_rankA rank that specifies how popular a domain is Search for posts from the top 1,000 sites:


Item Filters

An item contains global information about the content of the whole page and its content. An item can contain multiple reviews grouped together.

item.titleA textual Boolean query describing the keywords that should (or shouldn’t) appear in the item title.Search for reviews containing the word "glass" and not "metal" in their title:

thread.title:glass -thread.title:metal
item.section_titleA textual Boolean query describing the keywords that should (or shouldn’t) appear in the site’s section where the review was publishedSearch for the reviews under sections with a title that contains the word "electronics":

item.urlGet all the reviews of a specific item (note that you must escape the http:// part of the URL like so: http://).
item.publishedA timestamp (in milliseconds) enabling you to filter posts that were published before or after certain date/time.
Here is a Timestamp/Date converter
Return items published after Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:16:28 GMT: thread.published:>
crawledA timestamp (in milliseconds) enabling you to filter items that were crawled before or after certain date/time.
Here is a Timestamp/Date converter
Return items crawled after Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:16:28 GMT: