GET Parameters

Request method is HTTP GET.

URL Structure[QUERY]

HTTP GET Parameters

qA Boolean query containing the filters that define which posts will be returned.Find any posts containing either bitcoin or Zcash:

(bitcoin OR Zcash)
tokenYour private access token that you received when you signed up.&token=[MY TOKEN]
sortWhen the sort parameter isn’t specified, the results are sorted by default in the recommended order of crawl date.
You can change the sort type by using the following values:

  • relevancy
  • published

orderIf you choose to sort the posts by published, you can choose the sort order:

Descending - desc (default)
Ascending - asc
fromA paging parameter that works only for relevancy sort order.&from=100
tsThe ts (timestamp) parameter returns results that were crawled after this timestamp (ts is a Unix timestamp in milliseconds).
Here is a Timestamp/Date converter
When not specified the default is the past 3 months.
formatThe output format of the results set. It can be either:

  • json (default)
  • xml

sizeThe total number of results returned per request. size may be between 1 and 10 (default is 10).&size=2
Will return 2 results
structuredSearch only on the structured content (i.e content our system parsed and extracted fields such as post text, publication date, author, sections etc.)&structured=true
latestReturn the latest 10 crawled posts matching your query.
Use of this feature is NOT recommended as it may result in loss of important posts.
highlightReturn the fragments in the post that matched the textual Boolean query. The matched keywords will be surrounded by tags.&highlight=true
warningWarnings can arise from a malformed query parameter included in your code.

If set to true, then warning message details are included in the response under the warnings object.
The warning includes: The message , its type and level.
By default warnings are disabled.
is_updatedReturns only documents that were updated at least once.&is_updated=true