The Cyber API response includes up to 10 CyberDoc and a Meta Info area with reference to API consumption and the request itself, such as the "next" URL to get the next batch of CyberDocs matching your query.
Each CyberDoc is constructed of 5 objects:
The Post Object includes information about the particular post, such as fields.
The Site Object includes information about the site, channel or group the post originated from and also whether it is live or offline.
The Thread Object Includes Information about the thread in which the item appeared, such as the title, publication date and participants count.
The Extended Object includes additional meta info from the webpage, such as links.
The Enriched Object includes analyzed information about the Item, such as extracted entities.
Main section
Main fields that appear in the CyberDoc Object:
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
uuid | A unique ID representing the post or comment | Yes | String |
parent_uuid | The unique ID of the parent document. If the post originated from structured data , it represents the thread URL. If the post is originated from scanned data , it represents the referring URL. | Yes | String |
url | The link to the page | Yes | String |
title | The title of the thread | Yes | String |
text | The text within the page or post. In most cases, this field is a string. However, when the JSON file relates to chat data, it can be an object with a specific structure. Refer to the table below for the structure. | Yes | String/ Object |
author | A list of usernames/authors/actors who wrote the post | Yes | Array [String] |
published | The date/time when the page or post was published (if detected) | Yes | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
language | The language of the text | Yes | String |
external_links | A list of URLs that are linked from the page or post | Yes | String |
external_images | A list of image URLs that are linked from the page or post | Yes | String |
crawled | The date/time when the post was crawled. | Yes | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
updated | The date/time when the post was updated. | No | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
cache_link | A link to a cached HTML snapshot of the page | No | String |
rating | The rating parameter provides the star rating for a review. rating is a floating number between 0.0 to 5.0. | Yes | Float |
referring_url | The URL that referred our crawler to the current document URL | Yes | String |
ord_in_thread | The post sequence number in the context of the thread: 0 - means first post | Yes | Integer |
The updated field is effective for documents crawled from June 7th 2020 onwards. Documents crawled before that time contain updated:null values
Text Object
When the JSON file pertains to chat data, the text field is structured as follows, with each text field containing up to 20 messages:
Field Name | Description | Searchable | Type |
date | The date and time when the message was published. | Yes. Search within the text field. | Date Format: [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX] |
text | The text within the message. | Yes. Search within the text field. | String |
user | The username of the message author. | Yes. Search within the text field. | String |
message ID | The unique identifier of the message in Telegram. | Yes. Search within the text field. | String |
forwarded | A Boolean value (true/false) indicating if the message was forwarded from a different Telegram group/channel. | Yes. Search within the text field. | Boolean |
forwarded_from | The Telegram groups/channels from which the message was forwarded. | Yes. Search within the text field. | URL (String) |
file_info.file_name | The name of a file in the message. | Yes. Search within the text field. | String |
file_info.file_size | The size of a file in the message | Yes. Search within the text field. | String |
file_info.file_type | The type of file in the message | Yes. Search within the text field. | String |
Author_Extended Object
auhotr_extended object allows to uniquely capture the actor identity in the site/application.
Field Name | Description | Searchable | Type |
display_name | The user visual name , displayed in the website or application next to the post. | Yes Partial search is allowed. | String |
user_id | The unique identifier of the user in the website or application. | Yes. Partial search is allowed | String |
user_link | The unique hyperlink to the user information in the website or application. | Yes. Partial search is allowed. | URL (String) |
Site Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
domain | The top level domain of the site | Yes | String |
is_live | Obsolete Left for backward Compatibility. Value is always TRUE | No | Boolean |
type | Possible site types:
| Yes | String |
categories | Possible site categories:
| Yes | Array[String] |
Thread Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
url | A link to the top of the thread | Yes | String |
site_section | A link to the section in the site where the thread was created | Yes | String |
section_title | The title of the section in the site where the thread was created | Yes | String |
title | The title of the thread | Yes | String |
full_title | The title of the section in the site where the thread was created | False | String |
published | The date/time when the thread was published. | Yes | Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
replies_count | How many replies are there to the main post | Yes | Integer |
participants_count | How many different people participated in the discussion | Yes | Integer |
main_image | A link to the main image presented with the article | No | String |
Extended Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
external_links | A list of URLs that are linked from the page or post | Yes | Array[String] |
external_videos | A list of URLs to videos from the page | Yes | Array[String] |
external_images | A structure. See External Images Object in the next table. | ||
file_links | A list of URLs to files from the page | Yes | Array[String] |
file_type | Possible file types:
| Yes | String |
network | Dark Network that contained the page/post This could be one of the following:
| Yes | String |
required_login | A Boolean value (true/false) stating if the content is protected by a password | Yes | Boolean |
External Images Object
Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
url | The link to the actual image | Yes | String |
uuid | A unique ID for the image by its content. Multiple posts could link to the same image, even if it is on different locations. | Yes | String |
text | Textual content extracted from the image using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) | Yes | String |
Enriched Object
Field Name | Description | Searchable? | Type |
categories | One or more cyber categeries that the post/page content belong to. Categories include:
| Yes | Array[String] |
*persons | One or more individual people entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
*organizations | One or more organization entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
*locations | One or more location entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
emails | One or more email address entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
phones | One or more phone number entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
credit_cards | one or more organization entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
ssns | One or more social security number (SSN) entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
wallet_ids | One or more wallet_id entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
ips | One or more IP entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
domains | One or more domain entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
cve | One or more CVE Ids entities found in the post/page | Yes | Array[String] |
* Currently not supported in chat networks
Meta info
Field Name | Description | Type |
totalResults | The total number of posts matching your query | Integer |
moreResultsAvailable | How many more results are available | Integer |
next | A URL to get the next batch of posts matching your query. See Pagination and Sorting in this section. | String |
requestsLeft | How many more requests are available in your current subscription plan | Integer |
"url": "http://e2rlc42c2hah6tgj.onion/viewProduct?offer=393694.312665#post-0",
"uuid": "bf416cecda38b308dd02d987a41f6ad7ba11bd70",
"parent_uuid": "6dbcd81bbe1b5afe53ee761e06304700a538ec99",
"title": " Logins ✅✴️⚡",
"text": "When you place an order, you will receive the login information which includes username and password. All information is fresh, and are never resold. Only you will have exclusive access to the account. Here is a sample of what you will get: Username: Beevives9 Password: MACritte$3 Last Checked: 02-14-2017 Country: USA / UK / CHINA (Sometimes Provided) These accounts are valid and 100% working...........",
"highlightText": "",
"highlightTitle": "",
"author": [
"language": "english",
"referring_url": null,
"referring_file_type": null,
"rating": null,
"published": "2018-07-30T12:03:00.000+03:00",
"site": {
"name": "Dream Market Login - Featured anonymous marketplace",
"is_live": true,
"domain": "e2rlc42c2hah6tgj.onion",
"type": "discussions",
"country": null,
"categories": null
"thread": {
"url": "http://e2rlc42c2hah6tgj.onion/viewProduct?offer=393694.312665",
"uuid": "6dbcd81bbe1b5afe53ee761e06304700a538ec99",
"title": " Logins ✅✴️⚡",
"full_title": " Logins ✅✴️⚡",
"published": "2018-07-30T12:03:00.000+03:00",
"site_section": "http://e2rlc42c2hah6tgj.onion/?ai=1675",
"section_title": "Dream Market",
"replies_count": 5,
"participants_count": 2,
"main_image": ""
"ord_in_thread": 0,
"extended": {
"external_links": [],
"external_images": [],
"external_videos": [],
"file_links": [],
"file_type": "html"
"network": "tor"
"required_login": true
"enriched": {
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"organizations": {
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"count": 1
"locations": {
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"count": 2
"emails": null,
"phones": null,
"credit_cards": null,
"ssns": null,
"wallet_ids": null
"crawled": "2018-07-30T04:03:40.018+03:00",
"cache_link": "/dark-cache?token=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX&id=http%3A%2F%2Fe2rlc42c2hah6tgj.onion%2FviewProduct%3Foffer%3D393694.312665"
"totalResults": 2306,
"moreResultsAvailable": 2296,
"next": "/cyberFilter?token=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX&format=json&ts=1532912620018&",
"requestsLeft": 8926,